$45.00 AUD

Calm Confident Boundaries Workshop

Get instant access to the Calm Confident Boundaries Workshop Replay

We all know the parent we WANT to be and yet in the moment when faced with whinging, nagging, meltdowns or sibling squabbles we can almost feel like someone else takes over our brain. We yell, we lose it, or we collapse and let our child have what they want.

 ✓ Does it feel like no matter what you do, the same thing keeps

 ︎Does it feel like you are "walking on eggshells", avoiding setting
a boundary for fear of upsetting your child?

 ︎If when you do set a boundary, the emotions are so intense it's
just not worth it?

 ︎Do you worry about what the 'right' way to teach kids boundaries is? Or whether they need consequences?

Or do you just want to get on the same page with your partner
and find out how to be the cool, calm, confident parents you
hope to be?

Then this webinar is for you.

Watch Gen help you understand why boundary setting is so challenging. This workshop covers how to set a boundary or a limit in four steps and how to navigate the fall out when you do.