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One hour initial consultation will be run over Zoom
Online materials included based on need
Session will give practical strategies based on your child and your specific needs
Recording provided if requested
Hi Gen, Just wanted to say how great your help with independent play was yesterday. Even with just one night of confidently setting boundaries we had this in the morning!” Emmy played blocks while I breastfed the baby. Which is a huge breakthrough. I’ve been relying on tv quite a bit during feeding which has been leading to other issues so this is a great step!
Thank you for all your kindness during my time at the mater. I remember crying after listening to you talk, because your words really were so touching and empathetic. Going through the hash lockdown of COVID and returning home to a toddler with a newborn, your really helped guide me at a time that I was feeling lost and weak. Thank you for all that you did and continue to do for all the mothers during such a difficult year. I remember staying back on the day of my discharge just to hear your class and I’m so glad I did. I use your techniques with my toddler when she’s having a bad day and she really does respond better. I’m happy for you to share this because it really is the truth :) Thank you again for helping me see the positives during such a negative time of lockdown x